Rainbow Dreams and Creative Scenes

#Rainbow #silvanachambon Rainbow Dreams Stencil Silvana Chambon

Hello and welcome to the Picket Fence Studios blog! It´s Silvana here from Casa  Magnolia, and today I want to share with you a fun rainbow card made with some of the last products from the May release. 

I started by cutting three panels from white cardstock with the new A2 Saying Hello Cover plate die. This die has this mail stamps look and cuts out the inside rectangles. I put one of the panels with the inside rectangles too over a the 5x6 Paper inking palette. Then, I remove  the exterior leaving only the little rectangles. The inking palette grabs in place the little pieces to ink without moving.  With the help of the Life Changing Blender Brushes I gave a light hand of ink. I chose nine dye inks in rainbow colors. 

After that I put over the rectangles the new Rainbow Dreams 6x8 Stencil. I inked all the rectangles with the same inks but this time I used the Pint Sized Paper Pouncers in bright rainbow so I could use a heavier coat of ink. You have nine pouncers in the set, perfect for this card!

I stamped some plants from the Wreath Building: Potted Plants set and colored them with alcohol markers trying to match the background colors. 

It´s time to assemble the card. I glued together the three exterior panels that I first cut and glued it onto an A2 card base. After that I glued the rectangles in the rainbow order. I fussy cut the little plants and put some foam tape behind for dimension. I put some white gel pen details in each one. 

To finish the card I put a sentiment from the same stamp set which I stamped with embossing ink and white embossing powder over a black cardstock. 

I hope you´d like the card and inspires you to try to make one of your own! 

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today. I leave you the supply list at the end if you´re interested in some of the ones used here. 

Have a fantastic week!


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