News — DT Lisabeth
Christmas fun and a snowman
candy cane christmas cardmaking ideas christmas christmas card coloring dt lisabeth Ink Blending kelly taylor paper splatter Snowman snowone else like you

Enter, if you dare
bats dt lisabeth dt liz ghost house halloween ink blending lantern light up paper pouncers witch

There are three projects in today's blog post. They are all Halloween themed and they are all fun. A lot of ink blending, stencil work and not to mention lots of die cutting was done to make them all. Check the post for more details.
The Bakery
dt lisabeth picket fence studios rainbow the bakery

Royal Sweetpeas slim line card
birthdaycard dt lisabeth peacock tails royal sweetpeas slimline cards

Early Tulip Bouquet pencil colouring
Colored Pencil Coloring coloring coloring video DT Lisabeth Early Tulip Bouquet YouTube video

Pencil colouring on kraft paper can bring so much life into your colouring. Watch the video in today's post to see how Lisabeth colours up Early Tulip Bouquet using Prismacolor Pencils and then see the finished card using said colouring.