Shipping & Handling

Picket Fence Studios currently offers shipping to all 50 states & globally. We use USPS to ship domestic packages. Our goal is to ship within 1-3 business days from the time the order is received, however, you may experience a small delay when order quantities are higher than normal (promotions, sales, new product release, etc.).  

Rates are as follows:

  • All USA orders over $100 currently ship for FREE.
  • Orders to Canada and the UK over $150 ship for FREE.
  • Canada orders ship for $15. This includes USA shipping and handling. There is a possibility there could be extra handling/duty/taxes added at the time of delivery. These charges are out of our control & knowledge and are the responsibility of the customer.
  • Shipping to other countries is will be listed by carrier. There is a possibility there could be extra handling/duty/taxes added at the time of delivery. These charges are out of our control & knowledge and are the responsibility of the customer.

* Heavy orders may incur an additional shipping charge. This will be noted at time of checkout. Picket Fence Studios is not responsible for any packages that are lost or damaged by USPS once the package has left our warehouse.

* You will receive a notification from Picket Fence Studios when your order has been completed. This indicates that your order has been packaged at our warehouse and will be mailed that day or the next.

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Net Orders Checkout

Item Price Qty Total
Subtotal $0.00

Shipping Address

Shipping Methods