News — Get Well Word Dies

Sending Prayers with the Blooming Trumpet Flowers Stamp

A2 Rectangles Layering Die Set Andrea Shell Blooming Trumpet Flowers Copics floral cards Get Well Word Dies

Sending Prayers with the Blooming Trumpet Flowers Stamp

Hello, again! It's Andrea with you sharing some inspiration featuring the gorgeous, new Blooming Trumpet Flowers stamp set. Aren't those flowers from the Blooming Trumpet Flowers stamp set beautiful?! I love that the set has individual flowers that you can use to add to the large image! I stamped my images with Black Hybrid Ink and colored them with Copics. I cut out the images with the coordinating dies. To keep the focus on those blooms, I left the rest of the card rather simple. I created the lattice panel by diecutting white cardstock with the A2 Rectangles for Card...

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