News — Fleur di lis stencil
Embrace the Day
Face The Sun Fleur di lis stencil Ilina Crouse paper glaze Stencils

Ink Blending on Dark Card Stock with Mindy Eggen
Fleur di lis stencil Scripty Hello

Welcome everyone! It's Mindy Eggen here with you today. I want to share with you a card I created with the new Fleur di lis Stencil and how I ink blended on dark card stock. I started by spraying the back of my stencil with Pixie Spray. Pixie Spray is a low-tack spray adhesive so it will hold my stencil in place on my Black card stock. Then I will ink blend on Unicorn White pigment ink with a Life Changing Blender Brush. Once I covered the area, I'm going to remove the stencil and wipe away the excess ink....