Blend a Radiant Sunset with Distress Oxide Inks

#distressoxideinks #inkblending #jenkray

Hello, friends! Today, we're exploring the vibrant world of Distress Oxide Inks to create a radiant sunset background. This technique is perfect for adding a warm, glowing touch to your handmade cards. Follow along to see how easy and fun it is to blend these beautiful colors into a stunning sunset scene. Cheers to you and your creativity! Let’s get started!

Products Used

Cheers to You A2 Sunset 


1. Mask off a large circle onto a piece of white smooth card 5.25 inches by 4 inches. Ink blend Candied Apple, Ripe Persimmon, Wild Honey, and Squeezed Lemonade Distress Oxide Inks.
2. Remove the mask and gently blend the setting sun with the same colors but keep the outer edge as light as possible. This will create a beautiful glow to the setting sun. 

Top Tip: For a seamless blend, Distress Oxide Inks are your best friend

3. Die cut two giraffes 5 times each and then stack to create the appearance of thick chipboard and set aside.
4. Stamp the sentiment onto the dry panel, and then mount it onto an A2 black card base. Assemble the panel, and giraffes for a stunning sunset card.
And there you have it! A beautiful, radiant sunset card that’s sure to brighten anyone’s day. This project shows how Distress Oxide Inks can transform simple cardstock into stunning art. The silhouettes of the giraffes against the glowing sunset create a striking contrast that really makes the design pop.
Thank you for joining me today on the blog.
Happy crafting!

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