Hello Sunshine!

coloring flowers Summer

Hi friends!

Today I want to share an easy way to add a bright colorful background to your focal point using patterned paper! My card today will use NEW May release products Blooming Trumpet Flower stamp and die, Hello to You word die, Fabulously Glossy A2 Card Fronts in Happy Gingham and Sweet Gingham, and Gradient Flatback Pearls.

First, I stamped the flowers from Blooming Trumpet Flowers stamp and colored them with my alcohol markers. Then I die cut the flowers and a few leaves and set them aside.

Next, I focused on the background using the new and fun patterned paper in Happy Gingham and Sweet Gingham! I trimmed the green gingham to 5.25x4.0 and placed it over a piece of white cardstock sized 5.5x4.25. Then I trimmed a small rectangle on my deckled paper trimmer using the black gingham. I placed that over the green gingham to the left side of the card panel. 

Once that was finished, I adhered the Trumpet flowers over the black gingham, offset a bit so you could see the gingham peeking out from behind. Then I added the Hello die that was cut using mirrored black cardstock and finished with the sentiment "Sunshine" from the Blooming Trumpet Flowers stamp set.  I completed the card with Gradient Pearls over the stamins! 

I'm so pleased with how this turned out, thanks to the Gingham patterned paper! To shop the products used in this post, click on the description to be taken to the PFS store! Thanks for stopping by! 

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