A card for a badass cancer killing warrior

#silvanachambon paper glaze glass She endured Silvana Chambon

Hello, crafty friends! Welcome to the PFS blog. It´s Silvana here and today I want to share a very special card dedicated to all women who are battling with cancer. .PFS released a bunch of very thoughtful and funny products with this theme. You can check all the new collection here

I decided to go for a pink palette, using a lot of the new products for a mixed media look. This kind of cards requires a little patience because we have to work by layers. A heat tool is a great help to accelerate the dry process, but sometimes we just need to wait. 

I started by making some ink smooshing with Kitsch Flamingo Distress Oxide. After that first layer was dry, I stamped the new She endured stamp with the Black Hybrid ink from PFS.

I made some splatters  with the Paper Splatter Watercolor Liquid White Snowflake just to give some shine to the background. With the help of a spatula I put some Paper Glaze Glass in Rose Red and Petal Pink colors. At this point I had to wait for the Paper Glaze to dry and then applied the Rose Red color with the new Make the World Shimmer A2 Stencil in some spots. 

For an extra detail, I embroidered some crosses with pink thread. The sentiment was a difficult choice because all of the sayings in the You kicked cancer´s ass stamp set felt right for the card. I stamped it on a black cardstock with embossing ink and applied some white embossing powder. 

And it´s finished! I loved how this card turned out. I feel is going to uplift the spirit of a friend that is going trough her cancer journey. I hope it brings joy to her. 

Thank you so much for stopping by the blog today. I will love to receive your comments or just say Hi!. 

I´ll leave you on the bottom the supply list in case you need to check some of the products I used. 

Have a fantastic week and happy crafting! 

See you on my next blog post,



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