News — Silvana Chambon

Under the sea scene card

#Lifechangingblenderbrushes #silvanachambon #stencils Silvana Chambon stencil

Under the sea scene card

Hello, everyone! Happy New year! It´s Silvana here with another inspiration card featuring some of the new products from the January release.  This card has a background story. I live in the southern hemisphere and here we´re in summer, with very high temperatures, the ideal climate to go to the beach. One day, as I was  walking in the shore, the Atlantic Ocean was so clear and blue that inspired me to create the sea for this card.  But, I didn´t have any ocean themed stamps, so I just kept my photo of the ocean in my phone just in...

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Welcome Sasha & Silvana | New Design Team Members

#picketfencestudiosdesignteam Design Team Sasha Omoniala Silvana Chambon

Welcome Sasha & Silvana | New Design Team Members

We are very excited to announce that we have new Design Team members joining our team for our upcoming July Release.  Please join us in welcoming Sasha and Silvana!

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