Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)
Picket Fence Studios

Hollyhocks in Bloom Coordinating Die Set (Kelly Taylor)

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Coordinating Steel die

Illustrated by Kelly Taylor

Fourteen dies in the set

Compatible with most die cutting machines

And, our dies are always pre-clipped!

Stamp set available

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